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Nintendo Dream Interview with Sakurai: Part 1

Newsflash trabnslation Part 1

The following is translated from Nintendo Dream volume 264, April 2016. The magazine was published February 20th, 2016.
This translation is for fan use only, and may not accurately reflect the opinions of Masahiro Sakurai.

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The End of DLC Development

Congratulations on completing your year of DLC development.

Sakurai: Thank you.

—Now, I’d like to start by asking the usual Nintendo Dream question!

Sakurai: That’s how you want to start? (laughs)

—Exactly. What was the first thing you ate after completing development for the DLC?

Sakurai: As if I remember!

(Everyone laughs)

—Let’s get back on track. (laughs) This was the first time one of your games featured DLC. What did you think of the process?

Sakurai: Post-release development is unique because the team is much smaller than before, which means I also check things less frequently. In that sense, I felt DLC development was a lot more relaxed than that of the main game. At the same time, we still had a lot to take care of. We’d be busy one day and completely dead the next; it was feast or famine. For example, when putting together a special broadcast, movie production overlapped with game balancing, and that kept us up late into the night. Still, when making something like that, you’re essentially just waiting for it to finish, so there’s some downtime as well.

That being said, it’s hard for me to believe you were ever “completely dead.” (laughs)

Sakurai: I mean, I was working far more than the average developer. (laughs) That’s partially because we couldn’t maintain a staff of several hundred like we did for the main game. We developed the DLC with only the core members on staff, so the drop in personnel contributed to me being so busy.

—Even so, it’s unprecedented for the announcement of new fighters for an already-released game to inspire such excitement and festivity.

Sakurai: I think adding a new character to Smash means something much greater than it does in any other game. Players often wonder which game character will receive the honor next, whether their own wishes will be granted. Sometimes we’ll pull a collaboration out of left field or shock people with a fighter announcement trailer. That sort of shock and awe is unique to Smash. That’s why I feel pressured to work hard every single time.

—It’s pretty exciting to ponder which fighter will join the fray next. Our editor kept saying “Donbe” (from Shin-Onigashima). (laughs)

Sakurai: Nobody knows him outside of Japan. (laughs) However, I think it’s fun for the fans of each character to seriously consider what might happen if, for example, Donbe were to join the fray—what moves he would use, how he would play.

—It’s a little sad to think all that excitement has finally come to an end.

Sakurai: At the same time, if we were to keep adding popular characters to Smash as DLC, we’d eat up IPs in no time flat. Moreover, people’s “shock and awe” would gradually start to fade. If at some point in the future we had 100 characters in Smash, adding the 101st character wouldn’t have the same impact as new fighters have had up until now. In that sense, I feel now is the perfect time to close the curtains on development.

—Plus, continuous development means you would keep working forever.

Sakurai: Actually, the amount of work spent making one fighter is more than it was during development on the main game because we developed new characters on the premise that they would possess unique abilities no other character has. Rather than try to emulate pre-existing characters, we tried to introduce brand-new styles of gameplay. And that’s how we ended up with these DLC characters.

—Since release, you’ve watched trends among online battles shift over time, and seen a number of tournaments take place. Looking back, how do you feel?

Sakurai: I’ve checked the results from online matches, but I left all the finer details and research to the monitoring team, so I didn’t really go out of my way to watch things that closely.

—Oh, really?

Sakurai: Yes, because ultimately I need to look out for the novice and intermediate players. I made it my priority to create an environment in which they could relax and enjoy themselves. I have nowhere near the same dexterity as the advanced players (laughs), so I relied on the monitoring team’s data and advice. I honestly think we could make the game more balanced if we only focused on adjusting to For Glory 1v1. If we were to do that, however, Smash would lose its sense of being a party game people can get together and play.

—It must be hard trying to satisfy both the casual and competitive crowds.

Sakurai: I think it’s hard for a lot of people to understand. For the people who only play For Glory 1v1, that’s the extent of their world; they might not understand the reason why other communities exist. At the same time, if Smash were to develop into a pure one-on-one fighting game in which only the strong survive, the people who play Smash just to have a good time would all disappear before you know it.

—It would become a lot more hardcore.

Sakurai: Last year, I made an appearance on a special live broadcast called “Let’s Play Smash Bros. for Wii U” featuring voice actor Tomokazu Sugita, composer Kenji Ito, and an emcee. Sugita and the emcee both love playing games, but Ito isn’t much of an action game person. Naturally, Sugita and the emcee would have an overwhelming advantage, but Ito actually ended up winning several matches.

—In other words, you want to preserve the ability for beginners and experts to have fun together.

Sakurai: The game doesn’t have the same sense of chance as poker or mahjong, but it also doesn’t do anything special to give the losing player a leg up. Rather, even if a skill difference exists between players, Smash is a game everyone can enjoy together, and I think that type of experience is both rare and extremely important. That’s why I aimed to create something fun where four players can fight one another simultaneously, something that wouldn’t limit the kinds of people playing. I loved what they did with “Tatakae! GAMEBOYZ.”

—Even just watching, you can really tell how fun it is for kids and adults alike.

Sakurai: It’s fun simply watching. You get a sense of how deep their personalities are. It brings a smile to my face to think, “Ah, so this is what it’s like when two elementary school kids duke it out.”

—That being said, you aren’t dismissing the people who pursue the competitive one-on-one path. Seeing the game spread through both online matches and offline tournaments makes that abundantly clear. I think it’s really just as you’ve been saying all along: Smash is a game you want people to enjoy in their own way.

Sakurai: To be fair, the people who play online are only a small part of the entire audience. The people who favor solo play just keep playing by themselves. At the same time, there are countless others who don’t play that way. To me, all of these groups are extremely important.


Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3. The interview is quite lengthy, and we are still in the process of translating it. Make sure to follow us on Twitter to stay updated.

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  1. This is a very interesting interview. Can we have some hints on what else they talk about?

    haruhisailormars on February 20 |
  2. man, i really wish someone will letter sakurai about any cracks AT characters fell into and why Dixie and K.Rool aren’t in Smash yet.

    lurker on February 20 |
    • He doesn’t like DKC. Otherwise, Dixie would have been playable, fitting in with his garbage relevancy guidelines. On that note, you can play competitively and have fun, too. Giving a weaker player a sudden one-hit kill isn’t fair, and it’s actually rewarding them for lacking in skill. We could get K. Rool and Dixie and it wouldn’t matter much if I get punished for playing skillfully.

      There’s always modding to look forward to.

      No Name Given on February 20 |
      • What are you talking about? He didn’t say he hated DKC? Got any source on that he did say such thing?

        zoniken on February 20 |
        • They still make Donkey Kong games & they sell adequately in Japan.

          J. G. (@GeneralRayburn) on February 20 |
        • What other reason does he have to exclude Dixie other than not liking DKC or anything to do with the series? Dixie could easily use Diddy as a base and at worst, be a straight up clone. She was ‘relevant’, more ‘relevant’ than say, Little Mac or even Robin and Lucina, having a game that came out that same year. Woolly World has a stage, but DK can’t get one inspired by Tropical Freeze?

          I should have known when Little Mac was revealed that day instead of Dixie. If Dixie got in the base game, I wouldn’t mind the character we got in November/December. If she were one of those characters, I’d be happier than I am now. Sakurai hates DKC and Wario Land. And adding DK’s roll this late in the series doesn’t mean a damn thing, nor does adding music that isn’t a Jungle Hijinx remix.

          No Name Given on February 22 |
    • Dixie’s character data files exists in Brawl. She was planned to be a tag team type character with Diddy but was scrapped due to technical issues.

      Ian on February 20 |
      • I know, and I was mad when I found that out back then. Especially Tetra/Toon Zelda.
        I hate how you can’t edit your posts, but oh well.

        No Name Given on February 22 |
  3. “I think adding a new character to Smash means something much greater than it does in any other game. Players often wonder which game character will receive the honor next, whether their own wishes will be granted.”

    If it means so much, then why would you give such privilege to a dog, some random Pokemon, Fire Emblem character model #6302, & an alternate color of Pit?

    “Nobody knows him outside of Japan. (laughs)”

    Well what didn’t stop him from adding Marth & Roy?

    “If at some point in the future we had 100 characters in Smash, adding the 101st character wouldn’t have the same impact as new fighters have had up until now.”

    After the 101st character, K. Rool still won’t be receiving royalty checks.

    “Actually, the amount of work spent making one fighter is more than it was during development on the main game because we developed new characters on the premise that they would possess unique abilities no other character has.”

    So Bayonetta really did take only 4 months?

    J. G. (@GeneralRayburn) on February 20 |
    • Marth & Roy were going to be Japan-exclusive until Nintendo of America decided to keep them. Whether a series had a Western release was not something they cared too much about in the earlier Smash games. They only started paying a little more attention to the West in Smash 4.

      Ian on February 21 |
    • Well… Techinically Smash Bros doesn’t really care that too much about western before Smash 4.

      In Melee we get Marth and Roy that are former japanese-only characters.

      In Brawl we have Lucas… that still doesn’t get any appareance in his series outside Japan.

      In Smash 4 who we get? Well… We have a character that her popularity is mostly western (Bayonneta) and a character that is practically unknowed in Japan (Little Mac)

  4. Great stuff! It’s good to know that almost every character in Smash has something unique about them even at a roster of 58. Also, looking back to the Smash ballots and the characters, it would have been a predictable outcome if any of the characters that most of social media talks about was chosen, which I’m glad that the surprise factor was still in favor during Bayonetta’s trailer even though I didn’t consider her. Looking forward to parts 2 and 3.

    Chris.W on February 20 |
  5. Can someone please ask Sakurai for his reasoning of not having Wolf return?

    Wolf29 on February 20 |
    • Sakurai just devoted time to those characters instead. Note that 7 others are missing and not just Wolf.

      haruhisailormars on February 21 |
      • I really wanted Wolf to return too. I still think he deserves to be in. Everybody wanted him back but Sakurai (For unknown reason) ignore everything the fans hoped for…..Which is weird cause he could’ve been the first DLC character and nobody knew why Mewtwo beat him to it.

        Ryan Hines-Kazama on February 27 |
  6. I guess when Sakurai said that he was gonna add several more DLC characters, We all thought he meant 6…..But he actually meant 3. And tbh, If the other 3 DLC slots still existed to Bayonetta, They could’ve been given to Wolf, King K.Rool, and Shovel Knight. Also I still don’t know why Wolf got cut…..Perhaps he’ll get his chance in the NX remake hopefully. (Same thing for King K.Rool and Shovel Knight.)

    Ryan Hines-Kazama on February 23 |
    • After* My bad for the typo.

      Ryan Hines-Kazama on February 23 |