Filed under: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Smash for Wii U and Brawl Emblem Order


We here at Source Gaming have been incredibly busy preparing our first debate for you guys. TheAnvil and I will be discussing the different sides of the Gematsu Leak. Right now the post is extremely long, so we are thinking of breaking it apart, in order to make it more readable. Make sure to subscribe so you can keep up to date with the debate! You can also follow me or TheAnvil on Twitter, like us on Facebook in order to keep up. So many options! The introduction to the debate should be posted soon, written by Spazzy_D!

This part was separated as I thought it would be a useful data reference. Enjoy!

Smash for Wii U:

The order was originally posted here. Here’s the order for Smash for Wii U:

smashbros donkeykong starfox kirby fzero metroid mother pokemon zelda mario yoshi fireemblem gamewatch pikmin wario palutena famicomrobot sonic plankton touch doubutsu wiifit xenoblade punchout duckhunt rhythm rockman nintendogs miiplaza pacman tomodachi wreckingcrew wuhuisland miiverse lightplane braintraining balloonfight diary etc

Game order for files is something that should NOT be taken lightly. Music is categorized, and so are victory themes. Furthermore, fighters are similarly ordered in Brawl. Order does matter.

Here is the emblem order for Brawl. Please note, that the names were created by me.

The original names are MenSelchrMark.01, MenSelchrMark.02, etc. However by looking at the emblems we can come up with the order.

Note, from here: Orange means they were moved. Red means they were deleted.

BRAWL (Stage):

etc mario donkey zelda metroid yoshi kirby starfox pokemon fzero mother iceclimber wario palutena pikmin fireemblem famiconrobot mgs gamewatch sonic smashbros doubutsu touch plankton

If we ‘stylize’ the data, we can come up with the following format.

Stylized BRAWL:


etc mario donkey zelda metroid yoshi kirby starfox pokemon  ||  fzero mother




wario palutena pikmin fireemblem || famiconrobot mgs gamewatch sonic


smashbros doubutsu touch plankton

(NOTE: Smash 64 – release date and unlock order. Brawl follows the announcement order + separation between unlock and locked characters)
Stylized SMASH FOR:


smashbros donkeykong starfox kirby fzero metroid mother pokemon zelda mario yoshi


fireemblem gamewatch


pikmin wario palutena famicomrobot sonic


plankton touch


doubutsu wiifit xenoblade punchout duckhunt rhythm rockman


nintendogs miiplaza pacman tomodachi wreckingcrew wuhuisland miiverse lightplane braintraining balloonfight diary etc


Now, you might ask yourself — what is pacman listed with the stages? This is possibly because Pac-Man wasn’t always 100% guaranteed, due to potential issues with his design.

Pac-man’s design was updated in a 2013 CGI cartoon titled, “Pac-man and the Ghostly Adventures.” This new design has been used in a variety of products. But in the end I felt that his old-school design was better, and used that in the design plan. If that was rejected, I thought about dropping Pac-man altogether.


The emblem database was definitely recreated between Brawl and Smash for Wii U.  It’s also interesting to note that both rockman and sonic were placed at the tail end of their characters. They are both third parties, so it makes sense.

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