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Featured: EVERY Nintendo Series (Released Outside of Japan) Explained… for Charity!

In this featured content, NantenJex collab’d with YouTuber Sten on their massive 5 hour+ project to talk about every single Nintendo series that released outside of japan. All the money from this video will go to the NAMI charity, details of which are below.

If you’ve ever wanted to know all you need to know about Nintendo’s long history of video game releases, you’ve come to the right place. Watch as Sten, NantenJex and 153 other creators talk about every single series in Nintendo’s catalog (that released outside of Japan). On top of that, we’re using this opportunity to raise money for NAMI, an organization dedicated to raising awareness and supporting those struggling with their mental health. If we raise $1,000, Sten et al will do a video similar to this but centered around indie games instead!

You can donate here!

Complete credits list here

Joshua 'NantenJex' Goldie