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Mega Smash Poll Ultimate Results – Downloadable Content (Fighter Pass and More!)

It’s time for part 6 of the Mega Smash Poll Ultimate results. In this part, we will be sharing the data around the downloadable content made for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – including both Fighter Passes, Mii Costumes and more!

For the basic information about the data in this poll, please read the part 1 article found by clicking here.

Were you satisfied with the DLC for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

Unsatisfied                                                                                           Satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1.69% 1.14% 1.29% 2.13% 2.78% 5.16% 14.38% 27.48% 25.05% 19.3%

Fighter Pass


Did you buy the Fighters Pass?

Yes 85.22%
No 10.52%
Only the first 4.02%
Only the second  0.64%


Who was your favorite DLC Fighter?

1st Banjo & Kazooie 18.25%


2nd Steve / Alex / Zombie / Enderman 14.73%


3rd Sephiroth 11.06%


4th Sora 10.47%


5th Terry Bogard 9.77%


6th Pyra / Mythra 8.23%*


7th Hero 7.04%


8th Joker 6.5%


9th Byleth 4.61%


10th Kazuya Mishima 3.27%


11th Min Min 1.93%


12th Piranha Plant 1.84%


Extra results

* Due to some users voting for just Pyra or just Mythra, all these votes were combined for their combined result. The actual breakdown was as follows:

Pyra 0.55%
Mythra 0.4%
Both 7.19%


EX All of them 0.15%


EX Don’t like any of them 0.55%


What was your favorite DLC Stage?

1st The King of Fighters Stadium 18.25%


2nd Mementos 13.89%


3rd Minecraft World 10.62%


4th Spiral Mountain 10.47%


5th The Northern Cave 9.97%


6th Hollow Bastion 9.42%


7th Cloud Sea of Alrest 3.47%


8th MIshima Dojo 3.27%


9th Spring Stadium 3.13%


10th Garreg Mach Monastery  2.43%


11th Yggdrasil’s Altar 1.44%


12th Small Battlefield 0.6%


Extra results

EX All of them 0.2%


Which fighter pass set was the most popular?

Fighter Pass Set Total % (out of 200%)
Fatal Fury (FP1) 35.66%
Banjo & Kazooie (FP1) 28.72%
Minecraft (FP2) 25.35%
Final Fantasy 7 (FP2) 21.03%
Persona (FP1) 20.39%
Kingdom Hearts (FP2) 19.89%
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (FP2) 11.71%
Dragon Quest (FP1) 8.48%
Fire Emblem Three Houses (FP1) 7.04%
Tekken (FP2) 6.55%
ARMS (FP2) 5.06%


Mii Costumes


Did you buy the Mii Fighter Costumes?

All of them 16.87%
Most of them 12.15%
Only a few characters I like 55.95%
No, none of them 15.43%


Which was your favourite DLC costume?

Sans 41.07%
Cuphead 10.71%
Doom Slayer 7.39%
Shantae 4.76%
Bomberman 4.46%
Geno 3.22%
Dante 2.78%
Travis Touchdown 2.08%
Creeper 1.14%
Persona 4 Protagonist 1.04%
Team Rocket 1.04%
Vault Boy 0.89%
Lloyd Irving 0.74%
Dragonborn 0.69%
Goemon 0.64%
Persona 3 Protagonist 0.64%
Tifa 0.64%
Minecraft Pig 0.6%
Altair 0.55%
Rex 0.55%
Arthur 0.45%
Knuckles 0.45%
Mega Man.EXE 0.45%
Zero 0.45%
Proto Man 0.4%
Rathalos Armor 0.4%
Aerith 0.35%
Heihachi 0.35%
Nakoruru 0.35%
Slime Hat 0.35%
Gil 0.25%
Iori 0.25%
Rabbids Hat 0.25%
Tails 0.25%
Akira 0.2%
Monster Hunter Armor 0.2%
Callie 0.15%
Erdrick’s Armor 0.15%
Marie 0.15%
Veronica 0.15%
Barret 0.1%
Diamond Armor 0.1%
Jacky 0.1%
Martial Artist 0.1%
Teddie Hat 0.1%
(Mega Man) X 0.1%
Morgana Hat 0.05%
Ninjara 0.05%
Octoling 0.05%
Ryō Sakazaki
Yiga Clan Member 0.05%
Ancient Armor 0%
Chocobo Hat 0%
Felyne Hat 0%
Judd Hat 0%

Extra results

All of them 0.1%
Didn’t buy any 4.02%


Opinions on further DLC


If it was possible, what further DLC would you have liked to have seen for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Respondents could put down as many options as possible for this question.

1st Echo Fighter DLC 71.03%


2nd Additional Modes 61.01%


3rd Stand-alone Stages 60.02%


4th Alternate Costumes for Fighters 11.06%


5th Stand-alone Music Packs 5.65%


6th Stand-alone Fighters (like Piranha Plant) 2.28%


7th More Assist Trophies / Poke Ball summons 1.04%


8th More items 0.99%


9th More Story Mode (World of Light) content 0.74%


10th A 3rd Fighter Pass 0.5%


11th More Online Features / Modes 0.4%


11th More Mii Fighter Costumes 0.4%


13th Custom Moves / Final Smash 0.35%


14th Stand-alone Spirit Boards 0.3%


14th Descriptions for Spirits 0.3%


16th More features in Stage Builder 0.25%


17th New boss battles 0.2%


18th More rules for battles 0.15%


18th New moves for existing characters (EX characters( 0.15%


18th Upgraded Mii Fighters (design. moves, classes) 0.15%


18th Voice packs for characters 0.15%


18th Rollback Netcode 0.15%


23rd Battle Pass 0.1%


23rd Assist Trophies upgraded to fighters 0.1%


25th More Deluxe Mii Costumes (Sans, Cuphead, Shantae) 0.05%


25th A Second Fighter Ballot 0.05%


25th Expanded Mii Editor 0.05%


25th Previous game physics 0.05%


25th Permenant Sephiroth Challenge 0.05%


25th Custom Menus 0.05%


25th More Palutena’s Guidance 0.05%


25th More Classic Mode routes 0.05%


25th Playable Bosses 0.05%


Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

Joshua 'NantenJex' Goldie
  1. Maybe some voters have made the mistake and you decided to include it in your results anyway, but the Yiga Clan Mii costume was included in the base game actually.

    Final Smash Gamer on October 21 |
    • Oh, whoops! Thanks for pointing that out. I also thought it was DLC and just forgot to check. My mistake.

      NantenJex on October 24 |