Filed under: Editorial, Featured, Super Smash Bros. Series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Mega Smash Poll Ultimate: The characters YOU want for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter Pass 2!

It’s time for the first results from our Mega Smash Poll Ultimate edition! We conducted this poll back in March 2020 and asked the community a number of questions about how they play Super Smash Bros, what they like about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, what they like about the DLC so far and more. This includes which characters everyone wanted for Fighter Pass 2 and, ahead of the fighter 6 reveal, it is time we reveal that list. We have actually made a video on the topic if you prefer, but scroll down for the full list and how we conducted the poll.

Before we get to the results, here was our methodology. Everyone was asked to give their 6 most wanted characters for fighter pass 2 and each nomination got 1 vote. The order of how much you wanted them didn’t matter this time however, as some people can’t read and put more than 6, in fact one person put about 18 characters which is against the rules, then I only counted the first 6. Logic saying that the first 6 that come to your mind are the 6 you most want.

We also tried to be very specific for characters who would come in pairs. Some characters, like the Battletoads for example, had votes  for just Rash, Zitz or Pimple, while others voted for having all three but as alts of each other. In this case we just combined all these votes into one, under the Battletoads moniker because if they got into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate then that feels more likely. The same goes for situations like Jason and Sophia from Blaster Master because you can’t really have one without the other, even though some voted for Jason only and others voted for Sophia only.

However, in cases like Toad and Captain Toad, we counted them as separate characters as they have the potential to play very differently, with regular Toad having more options than Captain Toad. Then we’ve also got alts. Toadette as an example only got 2 votes on her own however a lot of people wanted her in as a Toad or Captain Toad alt. However as this poll is for the fighters and not the alts specifically then for nominations like ‘Toad with a Toadette alt’ were counted as a vote for just Toad. Which ever option came first we considered the actual vote. The same is counted for echo fighters as well, unless they were explicitly listed as being one of the 6 options.

With that out of the way, let’s get on to the results, all 1423:

The top 100
Rank Character Series Votes
1 Crash Crash Bandicoot 1190
2 Geno Super Mario 926
3 Doom Guy Doom 805
4 Sora Kingdom Hearts 774
5 Dante Devil May Cry 773
6 Rayman Rayman 765
7 Steve / Alex Minecraft 702
8 Master Chief Halo 630
9 Bandanna Waddle Dee Kirby 591
10 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 588
11 Reimu Touhou 559
12 Waluigi Mario 522
13 Shantae Shantae 479
14 Travis Touchdown No More Heroes 395
15 Isaac Golden Sun 353
16 Dixie Kong Donkey Kong 343
17 2B Nier 327
18 Rex & Pyra Xenoblade 307
19 Ryu Hayabusa Ninja Gaiden 277
20 Arle Nadja Puyo Puyo 276
21 Spyro Spyro 274
22 The Knight Hollow Knight 272
23 Lloyd Irving Tales 263
24 Heavy Team Fortress 2 254
25 Dr. Eggman / Robotnik Sonic 239
26 Paper Mario Super Mario 196
27 Amaterasu Okami 195
28 Tails Sonic 186
29 Scorpion Mortal Kombat 181
30 Porky Earthbound 176
31 Monster Hunter Monster Hunter 167
32 Sol Badguy Guilty Gear 161
33 Shadow Sonic 158
34 Professor Layton Professor Layton 153
35 Lara Croft Tomb Raider 148
36 Shovel Knight Shovel Knight 146
37 Skull Kid Legend of Zelda 145
38 Monokuma Danganronpa 141
39 Heihachi Tekken 139
40 Frisk Undertale 117
41 Agumon Digimon 116
42 Kos-Mos Xenosaga 113
43 Zero Mega Man X 112
44 Elma Xenoblade 110
45 Klonoa Klonoa 109
46 Hat Kid Hat in Time 99
47 Quote Cave Story 98
48 Crono Chrono Trigger 95
49 Gordon Freeman Half-Life 92
50 Bomberman Bomberman 87
51 Kazuma Kiryu Yakuza 85
52 Rillaboom Pokémon 79
53 Conker Conker 76
54 Impa Legend of Zelda 69
55 Saber (Artoria Pendragon) Fate 68
55 Nightmare Soul Calibur 68
57 Chosen Undead Dark Souls 67
58 Kratos God of War 64
59 Karate Joe Rhythm Heaven 63
60 Krystal Star Fox 62
61 Chell Portal 58
61 Chun Li Street Fighter 58
63 Chibi-Robo Chibi-Robo 57
63 Midna Legend of Zelda 57
63 Tracer Overwatch 57
66 Yuri Lowell Tales 56
67 Cinderace Pokémon 55
68 Officer / Akira Howard Astral Chain 54
69 Ragna Blazblue 53
70 Octoling Splatoon 53
71 Jibanyan Yokai Watch 51
72 Dovahkiin Elder Scrolls 50
73 Raiden Metal Gear 49
73 Toxtricity Pokémon 49
73 Neku The World Ends with You 49
76 Chorus Kids Rhythm Heaven 47
77 Neptune Hyper Dimension Neptunia 46
77 Jin Kazama Tekken 46
79 Sephiroth Final Fantasy 45
79 Generation 8 Pokémon Pokémon 45
81 Toad Mario 44
81 King Boo Super Mario 44
83 Captain Toad Mario 43
83 Wonder Red Wonderful 101 43
85 Magolor Kirby 42
85 Marx Kirby 42
85 Sub-Zero Mortal Kombat 42
88 Ring Fit Trainee Ring Fit Adventure 40
88 Ashley WarioWare 40
90 Felix Golden Sun 39
90 Sylux Metroid 39
92 Madeline Celeste 38
92 Sceptile Pokémon 38
94 Funky Kong Donkey Kong 37
94 Lyn Fire Emblem 37
94 Hornet Hollow Knight 37
94 Ratchet & Clank Ratchet & Clank 37
98 Jill Valentine Resident Evil 36
99 Euden Dragalia Lost 34
99 Ninten Earthbound 34
99 The Prince Katamari Damacy 34
99 Vaati Legend of Zelda 34
99 Hatsune Miku Project DIVA 34
99 Lip Puzzle League 34
99 Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe 34
106 - 220
Rank Character Series Votes
106 Cooking Mama Cooking Mama 33
106 Sly Cooper Sly Cooper 33
108 Ezio Auditore da Firenze Assassin’s Creed 32
108 Alucard Castlevania 32
108 Adeleine & Ribbon Kirby 32
108 Leon Kennedy Resident Evil 32
112 Solaire of Astora Dark Souls 31
112 Ganon Legend of Zelda 31
112 Scout Team Fortress 2 31
112 Geralt Witcher 31
116 Morrigan Darkstalkers 29
117 Goku Dragon Ball 28
118 Noctis Final Fantasy 28
118 Terra Final Fantasy 28
118 Ori Ori 28
118 Grovyle Pokémon 28
118 Maxwell Scribblenauts 28
118 Mike Jones Startropics 28
118 Tetrimino Tetris 28
118 Marisa Kirisame Touhou 28
126 Andy Advance Wars 27
126 Edelgard Fire Emblem 27
126 Kat Gravity Rush 27
126 Marco Rossi Metal Slug 27
130 Freddy Fazbear Five Nights at Freddy’s 26
130 Tingle Legend of Zelda 26
130 Sans Undertale 26
130 Adol Christin Ys 26
134 Tom Nook Animal Crossing 25
134 Spring Man ARMS 25
134 Jonesy Fortnite 25
134 Rhythm Heaven Rhythm Heaven 25
134 Saki Amamiya Sin & Punishment 25
134 Knuckles Sonic 25
134 Fawful Super Mario 25
134 Velvet Crowe Tales 25
142 Medusa Kid Icarus 24
142 Kris Undertale 24
142 Goose Untitled goose game 24
145 Black Shadow F-Zero 23
146 Earthworm Jim Earthworm Jim 22
146 Papyrus Undertale 22
148 Viridi Kid Icarus 21
148 Takamaru Murasame Castle 21
148 Estelle Bright Trials 21
148 Fiora Xenoblade 21
152 Laharl Disgaea 20
152 Tetra Legend of Zelda 20
152 Yu Narukami Persona 20
152 Decidueye Pokémon 20
152 Kazuya Mishima Tekken 20
157 Sackboy LittleBigPlanet 19
158 Bill Rizer / Lance Bean Contra 18
158 Louie Pikmin 18
158 Urshifu Pokémon 18
161 Beat Jet Set Radio 17
161 Hades Kid Icarus 17
161 Mach Rider Mach Rider 17
161 Demi-Fiend Shin Megami Tensei 17
161 Lora + Jin / Haze Xenoblade 17
166 Bub / Bob Bubble Bobble 16
166 Masked Man Earthbound 16
166 Tifa Final Fantasy 16
166 Dark Matter Kirby 16
166 Marina Mischief Makers 16
166 Metal Sonic Sonic 16
166 Sandbag Super Smash Bros 16
166 Captain Syrup Wario Land 16
174 Gunvolt Azure Striker 15
174 Cadence Crypt of the Necrodancer 15
174 Frank West Deadrising 15
174 Monika Doki Doki Literature Club 15
174 Cranky Kong Donkey Kong 15
174 Susie Kirby 15
174 Starfy Legend of Starfy 15
174 Palico / Felyne Monster Hunter 15
174 NiGHTS NiGHTS 15
174 Farmer (Pete) Story of Seasons 15
184 All 3 Battletoads 14
184 Makoto Naegi Danganronpa 14
184 Ayumi Tachibana Famicom Tantei 14
184 Arthur Ghosts n Goblins 14
184 Mark Evans / Endou Mamoru Inazuma Eleven 14
184 Crazy Dave Plants vs Zombies 14
184 Inteleon Pokémon 14
184 Filia Skull Girls 14
192 Min Min ARMS 13
192 Agnès Oblige Bravely 13
192 BOTW2 Rep Legend of Zelda 13
192 Akuma Street Fighter 13
192 Axel Stone Streets of Rage 13
192 Rean Schwarzer Trials 13
192 Kamek Yoshi 13
199 Isaac Binding of Isaac 12
199 Miriam Bloodstained 12
199 Junko Enoshima Danganronpa 12
199 Pauline Donkey Kong 12
199 Fulgore Killer Instinct 12
199 A2 Nier 12
199 Raz Psychonauts 12
199 Kunio-kun River City Ransom 12
199 Stylist Style Savvy 12
208 Jason & Sophia Blaster Master 11
208 Cuphead Cuphead 11
208 Artorias Dark Souls 11
208 Dillon Dillon’s Rolling Western 11
208 Gex Gex 11
208 Taranza Kirby 11
208 Peashooter Plants Vs Zombies 11
208 Asuka Senran Kagura 11
208 Amy Rose Sonic 11
208 AiAi Super Monkey Ball 11
208 Tabuu Super Smash Bros 11
208 Sakuya Izayoi Touhou 11
220 Reisalin Stout Atelier 10
220 Jeanne Bayonetta 10
220 Soma Cruz Castlevania 10
220 Billy / Jimmy Lee Double Dragon 10
220 Anna Fire Emblem 10
220 Frogger Frogger 10
220 Carl CJ Johnson Grand Theft Auto 10
220 Haruka Amami Idolmaster 10
220 Jak & Daxter Jak & Daxter 10
220 Aqua Kingdom Hearts 10
220 Lana Legend of Zelda 10
220 Zelda (BOTW) Legend of Zelda 10
220 Birdo Super Mario 10
220 Goemon Mystical Ninja 10
220 Gen 8 Pokémon Trainer Pokémon 10
220 Silver Sonic 10
220 Terrarian Terraria 10
220 Hyde Kido Under Night in Birth 10
3-9 votes
Rank Character Series Votes
238 Sami Advance Wars 9
238 Gruntilda Banjo-Kazooie 9
238 Qbby Boxboy 9
238 The Knights Castle Crashers 9
238 Ashen One Dark Souls 9
238 The Beheaded Dead Cells 9
238 Excitebike Racer Excitebike 9
238 Black Mage Final Fantasy 9
238 Sash Lilac Freedom Planet 9
238 Matthew Golden Sun 9
238 Gran / Djeeta Granblue Fantasy 9
238 Linkle Legend of Zelda 9
238 X Mega Man X 9
238 Gardevoir Pokémon 9
238 Meowth Pokémon 9
238 Zacian Pokémon 9
238 Don-chan Taiko Drum Master 9
238 Persona 3 protagonist Persona 9
256 Carmen Sandiego Carmen Sandiego 8
256 Nero Devil May Cry 8
256 Vergil Devil May Cry 8
256 Taizo Hori Dig Dug 8
256 Giygas Earthbound 8
256 Squall Final Fantasy 8
256 Hector Fire Emblem 8
256 Micaiah Fire Emblem 8
256 Galacta Knight Kirby 8
256 Gooey Kirby 8
256 Revali Legend of Zelda 8
256 Urbosa Legend of Zelda 8
256 Parappa Parappa the rapper 8
256 Aigis Persona 8
256 Kasumi Persona 8
256 Sirfetch’d Pokémon 8
256 Sakura Shinguji Sakura Wars 8
256 Thrall Warcraft 8
256 Poochy Yoshi 8
275 The Kid Bastion 7
275 The Hunter Bloodborne 7
275 Ray 01 Custom Robo 7
275 Ray MK III Custom Robo 7
275 Lightning Final Fantasy 7
275 Tidus Final Fantasy 7
275 Dimitri Fire Emblem 7
275 Tsubasa Oribe Fire Emblem 7
275 Spring Trap Five Nights at Freddy’s 7
275 Firebrand Ghosts N Goblins 7
275 Blaziken Pokémon 7
275 Barista Rhythm Heaven 7
275 Tibby Rhythm Heaven 7
275 Yoshimitsu Soul Calibur 7
275 Ulala Space Channel 5 7
275 Ty Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 7
275 Nathan Drake Uncharted 7
275 Worms Worms 7
275 Pyra Xenoblade 7
275 Yooka & Laylee Yooka-Laylee 7
295 Spike Ape Escape 6
295 Big Daddy Bioshock 6
295 Lanky Kong Donkey Kong 6
295 Bullet-kin Enter the Gungeon 6
295 Hunter Fossil Fighters 6
295 Alex Golden Sun 6
295 James Bond James Bond 6
295 Magnus Kid Icarus 6
295 Daroach Kirby 6
295 Toon Zelda Legend of Zelda 6
295 Big Boss Metal Gear 6
295 Mii Magician Miitopia 6
295 Eevee Pokémon 6
295 Gen 2 Pokémon Trainer Pokémon 6
295 Gengar Pokémon 6
295 Amitie Puyo Puyo 6
295 Rabbids Rabbids 6
295 Sekiro Sekiro 6
295 Wolf Sekiro 6
295 Ryo Hazuki Shenmue 6
295 Jack Frost Shin Megami Tensei 6
295 SMT Hero Shin Megami Tensei 6
295 Pyramid Head Silent Hill 6
295 Blaze Sonic 6
295 Spelunker Spelunky 6
295 Okabe Rintaro Steins;Gate 6
295 Dry Bowser Super Mario 6
295 Wart Super Mario 6
295 Master Hand Super Smash Bros 6
295 Bella Goth The Sims 6
295 Excalibur Warframe 6
295 9-Volt WarioWare 6
295 Pyra / Mythra Xenoblade 6
295 Wonder Boy Wonder Boy 6
329 Master Higgins Adventure Island 5
329 Angry Birds Angry Birds 5
329 Ribbon Girl ARMS 5
329 Bendy Bendy and the Ink Machine 5
329 Billy Hatcher Billy Hatcher 5
329 Bubsy Bubsy 5
329 Curly Cave Story 5
329 Penguin Club Penguin 5
329 Croc Croc 5
329 De Blob De Blob 5
329 Sam Porter Bridges Death Stranding 5
329 Jill Drill Dozer 5
329 Duke Nukem Duke Nukem 5
329 Kumatora Earthbound 5
329 Vault Boy Fallout 5
329 Azura Fire Emblem 5
329 Celica Fire Emblem 5
329 Jotaro Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure 5
329 Sukapon Joy Mech Fight 5
329 Dark Meta Knight Kirby 5
329 Prince Fluff Kirby 5
329 Labo Man Labo 5
329 Ahri League of Legends 5
329 Ghirahim Legend of Zelda 5
329 Candyman Lethal League 5
329 Randi Mana 5
329 Mega Man.EXE Mega Man BN 5
329 Primrose Octopath 5
329 Ms. Pac-Man Pac-Man 5
329 Goro Akechi Persona 5
329 Alis Landale Phantasy Star 5
329 Mimikyu Pokémon 5
329 Zeraora Pokémon 5
329 Zoroark Pokémon 5
329 Tap Trial Girl Rhythm Heaven 5
329 Ristar Ristar 5
329 Sparkster Rocket Knight 5
329 Octane Rocket League 5
329 Sam and Max Sam and Max 5
329 Sakura Street Fighter 5
329 Strider Strider 5
329 Dry Bones Super Mario 5
329 Goomba Super Mario 5
329 Mallow Super Mario 5
329 Shy Guy Super Mario 5
329 Pyro Team Fortress 5
329 Mona WarioWare 5
329 Melia Xenoblade 5
329 Mythra Xenoblade 5
329 Nia Xenoblade 5
329 Nate & Whisper Yokai-Watch 5
329 Madotsuki Yume Nikki 5
381 Twintelle ARMS 4
381 Kalas Baten Kaitos 4
381 Jade Beyond Good & Evil 4
381 Noel Vermillion BlazBlue 4
381 Yugo Bloody Roar 4
381 Dart Monky Bloons 4
381 Bonk Bonk 4
381 Tiz Bravely 4
381 Kasumi Dead or Alive 4
381 Jevil Deltarune 4
381 Toro Inoue Doko Demo Issyo 4
381 Dixie + Kiddy Kong Donkey Kong 4
381 Duster Earthbound 4
381 Elite Beat Agents Elite Beat Agents 4
381 Cecil Final Fantasy 4
381 Black Knight Fire Emblem 4
381 Recruits Fortnite 4
381 Samurai Goroh F-Zero 4
381 GTA Protagonist Grand Theft Auto 4
381 Agent 47 Hitman 4
381 Aloy Horizon Zero Dawn 4
381 Jacket Hotline Miami 4
381 Blanc Hyper Dimension Neptunia 4
381 Anja Indivisible 4
381 Jago Killer Instinct 4
381 Champions Legend of Zelda 4
381 Kass Legend of Zelda 4
381 Mipha Legend of Zelda 4
381 Sidon Legend of Zelda 4
381 Jack Cayman Madworld 4
381 Daniel Fortesque MediEvil 4
381 Revolver Ocelot Metal Gear 4
381 New Nintendo IP Nintendo 4
381 Pepsi Man Pepsi Man 4
381 Mr. Sandman Punch-Out 4
381 Sakurai Reality 4
381 Albert Wesker Resident Evil 4
381 Commando Risk of Rain 4
381 Orcane Rivals of Aether 4
381 Kyoko / Misako River City Ransom 4
381 Wanderer Shadow of the Colossus 4
381 Risky Boots Shantae 4
381 Vyse Skies of Arcadia 4
381 Peacock Skull Girls 4
381 Invader Space Invaders 4
381 Slippy Toad Star Fox 4
381 Dimentio Super Mario 4
381 Koopa Troopa Super Mario 4
381 Meat Boy Super Meat Boy 4
381 Primid Super Smash Bros 4
381 Yukari Yakumo Touhou 4
381 Undyne Undertale 4
381 Alicia Melchiot Valkyria Chronicles 4
381 New Mii Wii 4
381 Boggy B. Worms 4
381 Rex & Mythra Xenoblade 4
381 Fei Fong Wong Xenogears 4
438 Asha Wonder Boy 3
438 Akatsuki Akatsuki Blitzkampf 3
438 K.K. Slider Animal Crossing 3
438 Dr. Coyle ARMS 3
438 Balloon Fighter Balloon Fight 3
438 Sagi Baten Kaitos 3
438 Rodin Bayonetta 3
438 Commander Video Bit.Trip 3
438 Captain Rainbow Captain Rainbow 3
438 Shanoa Castlevania 3
438 Shuichi Saihara Danganronpa 3
438 Death Darksiders 3
438 WarGreymon Digimon 3
438 Corvo Attano Dishonored 3
438 Mickey Mouse Disney 3
438 Donkey Kong Jr. Donkey Kong 3
438 Slime Dragon Quest 3
438 Dynamite Headdy Dynamite Headdy 3
438 Lu Bu Dynasty Warriors 3
438 Claus Earthbound 3
438 Alexandra Roivas Eternal Darkness 3
438 Pious Augustus Eternal Darkness 3
438 Mai Shiranui Fatal Fury 3
438 Marche Final Fantasy 3
438 Vivi Final Fantasy 3
438 Warrior of Light Final Fantasy 3
438 Camilla Fire Emblem 3
438 Claude von Riegan Fire Emblem 3
438 Ephraim Fire Emblem 3
438 Sigurd Fire Emblem 3
438 Geomatry Dash Square Geomatry Dash 3
438 Glover Glover 3
438 Saturos Golden Sun 3
438 Raven Gravity Rush 3
438 Arbiter Halo 3
438 DJ Professor K Jet Set Radio 3
438 Zero Katana Zero 3
438 Iori Yagami King of Fighters 3
438 Riku Kingdom Hearts 3
438 Fi Legend of Zelda 3
438 Zant Legend of Zelda 3
438 Chase McCain Lego 3
438 Protagonist Magical Starsign 3
438 Metabee Medabots 3
438 Bass Mega Man 3
438 Proto Man Mega Man 3
438 Roll Mega Man 3
438 Ashe Mega Man ZX 3
438 Vent Mega Man ZX 3
438 Fio Metal Slug 3
438 Rundas Metroid 3
438 Muddy Mole Mole Mania 3
438 Oliver Ni No Kuni 3
438 9S Nier 3
438 Nier Nier 3
438 Olberic Octopath 3
438 Tressa Octopath 3
438 D.Va Overwatch 3
438 Plok Plok 3
438 Corviknight Pokémon 3
438 Cynthia Pokémon 3
438 Dragapult Pokémon 3
438 Falinks Pokémon 3
438 Gallade Pokémon 3
438 Garchomp Pokémon 3
438 Grimmsnarl Pokémon 3
438 Lycanroc Pokémon 3
438 Obstagoon Pokémon 3
438 Raichu Pokémon 3
438 Scizor Pokémon 3
438 Wooloo Pokémon 3
438 Zacian & Zamazenta Pokémon 3
438 Athena Asamiya Psycho Soldier 3
438 Glass Joe Punch-Out 3
438 Schezo Wegey Puyo Puyo 3
438 Q*Bert Q*Bert 3
438 John Marston Read Dead 3
438 Claire Redfield Resident Evil 3
438 Nemesis Resident Evil 3
438 Marshal Rhythm Heaven 3
438 Frey / Lest Rune Factory 3
438 Segata Sanshiro SEGA 3
438 Joe Musashi Shinobi 3
438 Chaos Sonic the Hedgehog 3
438 Ivy Soul Calibur 3
438 Kilik Soul Calibur 3
438 M. Bison Street Fighter 3
438 F-Type Stunt Race FX 3
438 Ryley Robinson Subnautica 3
438 E. Gadd Super Mario 3
438 Sim The Sims 3
438 Seargent Cortez Timesplitters 3
438 DeMille Tomato Adventure 3
438 Cirno Touhou 3
438 Remilia Scarlet Touhou 3
438 Red Transistor 3
438 Arcueid Tsukihime 3
438 Avatar Ultima 3
438 Beatrice Umineko 3
438 Urban Champion Urban Champion 3
438 Clementine Walking Dead 3
438 Arthas Warcraft 3
438 Shake King Wario Land 3
438 Reyn Xenoblade 3
438 Zeke & Julie Zombies Ate My Neighbours 3
2 votes
Rank Character Series Votes
543 Kaname Date AI: The Somnium Files 2
543 Alex Kidd Alex Kidd 2
543 Mr. Resetti Animal Crossing 2
543 Helix ARMS 2
543 Lola Pop ARMS 2
543 Max Brass ARMS 2
543 Bayonetta 3 rep Bayonetta 2
543 Hazama BlazBlue 2
543 Nu-13 BlazBlue 2
543 Django Boktai 2
543 Hadsome Jack Borderlands 2
543 Dr Lobe Brain Age 2
543 Dr. Kawashima Brain Training 2
543 Edea Lee Bravely 2
543 Captain N Captain N 2
543 Christopher Belmont Castlevania 2
543 Dracula Castlevania 2
543 Maria Renard Castlevania 2
543 Vincent Brooks Catherine 2
543 Centipede Centipede 2
543 Frog Chrono Trigger 2
543 Charlie Circus Charlie 2
543 Civillian Civilization 2
543 Taffy Clayfighters 2
543 Lea Crosscode 2
543 Jon Talbain Darkstalkers 2
543 Hornet Daytona 2
543 Trapper Dead by Daylight 2
543 Ayane Dead or Alive 2
543 Deemo & Alice Deemo 2
543 Cayde-6 Destiny 2
543 Adam Jenson Deus Ex 2
543 Prinny Disgea 2
543 Diskun Disk System 2
543 Kremling Donkey Kong 2
543 Stanley Donkey Kong 2
543 Tiny Kong Donkey Kong 2
543 Wizpig Donkey Kong 2
543 Mym Dragalia Lost 2
543 Zero Drakengard 2
543 Wilfre Drawn to Life 2
543 Highlander Etrian Odyssey 2
543 Nate / Nora Fallout 4 2
543 Fancy Pants Fancy Pants 2
543 Archer Fate 2
543 Gilgamesh Fate 2
543 Shirou Emiya Fate 2
543 Chocobo Final Fantasy 2
543 Freya Crescent Final Fantasy 2
543 Mog Final Fantasy 2
543 Y’shtola Rhul Final Fantasy 2
543 Zidane Final Fantasy 2
543 Cody Travers Final Fight 2
543 Alm Fire Emblem 2
543 Eirika Fire Emblem 2
543 Itsuki Aoi Fire Emblem 2
543 Sothis Fire Emblem 2
543 Tiki Fire Emblem 2
543 Yuri Fire Emblem 2
543 Jody Summers F-Zero 2
543 Pico F-Zero 2
543 Sissel & Lynne Ghost Trick 2
543 Alisa God Eater 2
543 Godzilla Godzilla 2
543 Sveta Golden Sun 2
543 Katalina Granblue Fantasy 2
543 Claude Grand Theft Auto 2
543 Nico Bellic Grand Theft Auto 2
543 Trevor Phillips Grand Theft Auto 2
543 May Guilty Gear 2
543 Alyx Half-Life 2
543 Rena Ryūgū Higurashi 2
543 Kiana Kaslana Honkai 2
543 Juno / Vela Jet Force Gemini 2
543 Barry Steakfries Jetpack Joyride 2
543 Player / Cube Just Shapes & Beats 2
543 Thanatos Kid Icarus 2
543 Kyo Kusanagi King of Fighters 2
543 Roxas Kingdom Hearts 2
543 Guntz Klonoa 2
543 League of Legends rep League of Legends 2
543 Daruk Legend of Zelda 2
543 Demise Legend of Zelda 2
543 Ganondorf (Mage) Legend of Zelda 2
543 Hilda Legend of Zelda 2
543 Masked Link Legend of Zelda 2
543 Phantom Ganon Legend of Zelda 2
543 Toon Ganondorf Legend of Zelda 2
543 Wolf Link Legend of Zelda 2
543 Kaim Argonar Lost Odyssey 2
543 Riesz Mana 2
543 Toadette Super Mario 2
543 SonSon Marvel vs Capcom 2
543 Shepard Mass Effect 2
543 Sigma Mega Man X 2
543 Aile Mega Man ZX 2
543 Venom Snake Metal Gear 2
543 Geolyte Meteos 2
543 Metroid Metroid 2
543 Metroid Prime 4 rep Metroid 2
543 Noxus Metroid 2
543 Space Pirate Metroid 2
543 Michael Jackson Michael Jackson 2
543 Prowler Monster Hunter 2
543 Riders Monster Hunter Stories 2
543 Asha Wonder Boy 3
543 Noob Saibot Mortal Kombat 2
543 Pedro My Friend Pedro 2
543 Shiren the Wanderer Mystery Dungeon 2
543 Reiji Namco x Capcom 2
543 Reiji & Xiaomu Namco x Capcom 2
543 Naruto Naruto 2
543 Kunoichi Ninja Warriors Once Again 2
543 Hannit Octopath 2
543 OCTOPATH (all 8) Octopath 2
543 Abe Oddworld 2
543 Junkrat Overwatch 2
543 Reinhardt Overwatch 2
543 Joanne Dark Perfect Dark 2
543 Minato Arisato Persona 2
543 Brittany Pikmin 2
543 Plasm Wraith Pikmin 2
543 Sunflower Plants vs Zombies 2
543 Pocky & Rocky Pocky & Rocky 2
543 Aegislash Pokémon 2
543 Detective Pikachu Pokémon 2
543 Dragonite Pokémon 2
543 Giovanni Pokémon 2
543 Golisopod Pokémon 2
543 Hatterene Pokémon 2
543 MissingNo. Pokémon 2
543 Scorbunny Pokémon 2
543 Serperior Pokémon 2
543 Zarude Pokémon 2
543 Atlas / P-Body Portal 2
543 Fighter Hayabusa Pro Wrestling 2
543 Alex Mercer Prototype 2
543 Bald Bull Punch-Out 2
543 King Hippo Punch-Out 2
543 Mike Tyson Punch-Out 2
543 Globox Rayman 2
543 Arthur Morgan Red Dead 2
543 Reporter & Wrestler Rhythm Heaven 2
543 Zetterburn Rivals of Aether 2
543 Micah Rune Factory 2
543 Ruby RWBY 2
543 The Boss Saints Row 2
543 Sakura Amamiya Sakura Wars 2
543 Nakoruru Samurai Showdown 2
543 Scott Pilgrim Scott Pilgrim 2
543 Specter Knight Shovel Knight 2
543 Big Band Skull Girls 2
543 Stealth Elf Skylanders 2
543 Classic Sonic Sonic 2
543 Lizardman / Aeon Soul Calibur 2
543 Sophitia Alexandra Soul Calibur 2
543 Talim Soul Calibur 2
543 Spider-Man Spider-Man 2
543 Commander Tartar Splatoon 2
543 DJ Octavio Splatoon 2
543 Leon Star Fox 2
543 Fayt Leingod Star Ocean 2
543 Darth Vader Star Wars 2
543 Dan Street Fighter 2
543 G Street Fighter 2
543 Zangief Street Fighter 2
543 Boo Super Mario 2
543 Bullet Bill Super Mario 2
543 Chain Chomp Super Mario 2
543 Crazy Hand Super Smash Bros 2
543 Colette Brunel Tales 2
543 Demoman Team Fortress 2
543 Spy Team Fortress 2 2
543 King Tekken 2
543 Ark Terranigma 2
543 Toejam & Earl Toejam & Earl 2
543 Alice Margatroid Touhou 2
543 Koishi Komeiji Touhou 2
543 Twinbee Twinbee 2
543 Sylvanas Warcraft 2
543 Matt Wii Sports 2
543 BJ Blazkowicz Wolfenstein 2
543 Malos Xenoblade 2
543 Morag & Brigid Xenoblade 2
543 Zeke & Pandoria Xenoblade 2
1 vote
Rank Character Series
727 Forager Forager
727 Voidoll #ComPASS
727 Kite .Hack
727 Apollo Justice Ace Attorney
727 Fighter Jets Ace Combat
727 The Master Actraiser
727 Adibou Adibou
727 Nell Advance Wars
727 Olaf Advance Wars
727 Tanks Advance Wars
727 Troops Advance Wars
727 Dragon Adventure (Atari 2600)
727 Mizuki AI: The Somnium Files
727 Ichigo Hoshimiya Aikatsu
727 Epsilon Alien Soldier
727 Animal Villager Animal Crossing
727 Digby Animal Crossing
727 Monkey Ape Escape
727 Octane Apex Legends
727 Gatchmon Applimon
727 Kid Cobra ARMS
727 Mechanica ARMS
727 Ryo Sakazaki Art of Fighting
727 Kassandra Assassin’s Creed
727 Asterix Asterix & Obelix
727 Asura Asura’s Wrath
727 Sophie Neuenmuller Atelier
727 Totori Atelier
727 Vayne Atelier
727 Aang Avatar
727 Trace Axiom Verge
727 Copen Azure Striker Gunvolt
727 Baba Baba is You
727 Cat Battle Cats
727 Hatty Hattington Battleblock Theater
727 Paul McCartney Beatles
727 Rad Spencer Bionic Commando
727 Kyle Blackthorne Blackthorne
727 Bang Shishigami BlazBlue
727 Jubei BlazBlue
727 Mai Natsume BlazBlue
727 Rachel Alucard Blazblue
727 Gerhman Bloodborne
727 Bobobo Bobobo-bo
727 Max Bomberman
727 Shiro (Bombergirl) Bomberman
727 Boogerman Boogerman
727 Axton Borderlands
727 Gaige Borderlands
727 Krieg Borderlands
727 Lillith Borderlands
727 Psycho Borderlands
727 Boy & Blob Boy and his Blob
727 Hero of Light Bravely
727 Ringabel Bravely
727 Yokai Job Bravely
727 Spike Brawl Stars
727 Bödvar Bearson Brawlhalla
727 Yumiko Brawlhalla
727 Eddie Riggs Brütal Legend
727 Bubby Bubble Bobble
727 Team Snakemouth Bug Fables
727 Burger Time Chef Burger Time
727 Captain Price Call of Duty
727 Edward Richtofen Call of Duty
727 Frank Woods Call of Duty
727 Soap McTavish Call of Duty
727 Soldier Call of Duty
727 Tiffi Candy Crush
727 Lightning McQueen Cars
727 Carrie Fernandez Castlevania
727 Eric Lecarde Castlevania
727 Juste Belmont Castlevania
727 Kid Dracula Castlevania
727 Sypha Belnades Castlevania
727 Trevor Belmont Castlevania
727 Quote & Curly Cave Story
727 Elise & Chante Chantelise
727 Gandhi Civilization
727 EPF Agents Club Penguin
727 Io Code: Vein
727 Henry Flemming Codename STEAM
727 Gingerbrave Cookie Run
727 Ayumi Shinozaki Corpse Party
727 Alyssa Cosmic Star Heroine
727 Terrorist Counter Strike
727 Cortex Crash Bandicoot
727 Crazy Taxi Crazy Taxi
727 Chicken Crossy Road
727 Simea Crystalis
727 Mugman Cuphead
727 Ray Mk II Custom Robo
727 Om nom Cut the Rope
727 Dab Dad Dab Dad
727 Monica Raybrandt Dark Cloud
727 Elite Knight Dark Souls
727 Gwyn Dark Souls
727 Sister Friede Dark Souls
727 Soul of Cinder Dark Souls
727 Fury Darksiders
727 Baby BB Hood Darkstalkers
727 Felicia Darkstalkers
727 Haien-ko Darkstalkers
727 Zach Dead or Alive
727 Die Hardman Death Stranding
727 Millennia Deception
727 Lancer Deltarune
727 Ralsei Deltarune
727 Susie Deltarune
727 Denpa Man Denpa Man
727 Guardian Destiny
727 Saint-14 Destiny
727 Crypto Destroy All Humans
727 JC Denton Deus Ex
727 Abel Devil Survivor
727 Kazuya Minegishi Devil Survivor
727 Minegishi Devil Survivor
727 Ivan Devil’s Third
727 Tamagon Devil’s World
727 Diablo Diablo
727 Agumon & Gabumon Digimon
727 Aiba Digimon
727 Gabumon Digimon
727 Gatomon Digimon
727 Omegamon Digimon
727 Palmon Digimon
727 Renamon Digimon
727 Serph Digital Devil Saga
727 Raymond Bryce Disaster
727 Emily Kaldwin Dishonored
727 Uncle Sensei DiveKick
727 El Clear DJMAX
727 Count Harebourg Dofus
727 Brash Bear Donkey Kong
727 Candy Kong Donkey Kong
727 Chunky Kong Donkey Kong
727 DK Crew (Tiny / Lanky / Chunky) Donkey Kong
727 Kiddy Kong Donkey Kong
727 Krusha Donkey Kong
727 Redneck Kong Donkey Kong
727 Wrinkly Kong Donkey Kong
727 Wilson Don’t Starve
727 Doshin Doshin the Giant
727 Juggernaut DOTA
727 Zahra Sinclair Double Cross
727 Hawke Dragon Age
727 The Warden Dragon Age
727 Android 21 Dragon Ball
727 Erik Dragon Quest
727 Jade Dragon Quest
727 Jessica Dragon Quest
727 Serena Dragon Quest
727 Terry Dragon Quest
727 Arisen & Pawn Dragon’s Dogma
727 Caim Drakengard
727 Zhao Yun Dynasty Warriors
727 Ninten & Eve Earthbound
727 Paula Earthbound
727 Nerevarine Elder Scrolls
727 Yuusuke ESP
727 Hero Etrian Odyssey
727 Protector Etrian Odyssey
727 Tethu Ever Oasis
727 Freesia Fairy Bloom Freesia
727 Natsu Fairy Tail
727 Vault Dweller Fallout
727 Yuelia Fantasy Life
727 Fat Princess Fat Princess
727 Miku Fatal Frame
727 Yuri Kozua Fatal Frame
727 Geese Howard Fatal Fury
727 Rock Howard Fatal Fury
727 Wild Wolf Fatal Fury
727 BB Fate
727 Elizabeth Bathory Fate
727 Rin Tohsaka Fate
727 Rob Tohsaka Fate
727 Shielder Fate
727 Tamamo No Mae Fate
727 Sanman Fighting Vipers
727 Aerith Final Fantasy
727 Agrias Oaks Final Fantasy
727 Alisae Final Fantasy
727 Barret Final Fantasy
727 Bartz Final Fantasy
727 Clevat Final Fantasy
727 Dangerous Ariana Final Fantasy
727 Frimelda Final Fantasy
727 Gilgamesh Final Fantasy
727 Kefka Final Fantasy
727 Ramza Final Fantasy
727 Rydia Final Fantasy
727 Vincent Valentine Final Fantasy
727 Yuna Final Fantasy
727 Barry Goodman Fire Emblem
727 Eremiya Fire Emblem
727 Felicia Fire Emblem
727 Felix Fire Emblem
727 Henry Fire Emblem
727 Leif Fire Emblem
727 Lon’qu Fire Emblem
727 Mia Fire Emblem
727 Reinhardt Fire Emblem
727 Ryouma Fire Emblem
727 Seliph Fire Emblem
727 Sharena Fire Emblem
727 Takumi Fire Emblem
727 Veronica Fire Emblem
727 Xander Fire Emblem
727 Adventure Freddy Five Nights at Freddy’s
727 Zip Fling Smash
727 Prince Richard For the Frogs
727 Commander Ramirez Fortnite
727 T-Rex Fossil Fighters
727 V-raptor Fossil Fighters
727 Sinner Freedom Wars
727 Prisoner Furi
727 Mighty Gazelle F-Zero
727 Rick Wheeler F-Zero
727 Marcus Fenix Gears of War
727 Giana Giana Sisters
727 Yumetaro Gimmick!
727 Gitaroo Man Gitaroo Man
727 Menardi Golden Sun
727 Vic Viper Gradius
727 Vaseraga Granblue Fantasy
727 Michael De Santa Grand Theft Auto
727 Millenia Grandia
727 Black Knight Gravity Rush
727 Manny Calavera Grim Fandango
727 Juan Aguacate Guacamelee!
727 Rytlock Brimstone Guild Wars
727 Justice Guilty Gear
727 Gunstar Red Gunstar Heroes
727 Adrian Shepherd Half-Life
727 Hamtaro Hamtaro
727 Hanafuda Hanafuda
727 Virtual Boy Hardware
727 Henry Stickman Henry Stickman
727 Rika Furude Higurashi
727 Joey Claire Hiveswap
727 John Egbert Homestuck
727 Kyu Sugardust HuniePop
727 IF Hyperdimension Neptunia
727 Nepgear Hyperdimension Neptunia
727 Noire Hyperdimension Neptunia
727 Purple Heart Hyperdimension Neptunia
727 The Kid I Wanna Be The Guy
727 I.M.Meen I.M.Meen
727 Producer Idolmaster
727 Delsin Rowe Infamous
727 Fishbunjin Ittle Dew
727 Barbara the Bat Jam with the Band
727 Jersey Devil Jersey Devil
727 Jet Jet Set Radio
727 DIO Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
727 Giorno Giovanna Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
727 Jonathan Joestars Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure
727 The Traveller Journey
727 Takayuki Yagami Judgement
727 Panda Just Dance
727 Kamen Rider Kamen Rider
727 Nike Kamihime Project
727 Yamato Kamiko
727 Shimakaze Kantai Collection
727 Karas Karas
727 King of all Cosmos Katamari Damacy
727 Serval Kemono Friends
727 Jebediah Kerman Kerbal Space Program
727 Phosphora Kid Icarus
727 Poki / Sayo Kiki KaiKai
727 Riptor Killer Instinct
727 Dan Smith Killer7
727 Garcian Smith Killer7
727 Skully Killing Floor 2
727 Shun’ei King of Fighters
727 Xehanort Kingdom Hearts
727 King Graham King’s Quest
727 Bronto Burt Kirby
727 Galactic Nova Kirby
727 Hyness Kirby
727 Mirror Kirby Kirby
727 Poppy Bros Jr. Kirby
727 Joka Klonoa
727 King of Sorrow Klonoa
727 Leorina Klonoa
727 Nightmare Klonoa Klonoa
727 Zael & Calista Last Story
727 Annie League of Legends
727 Fiddlesticks League of Legends
727 Irelia League of Legends
727 Lux League of Legends
727 Sion League of Legends
727 Teemo League of Legends
727 Thresh League of Legends
727 Yasuo League of Legends
727 Raziel Legacy of Kain
727 Lyll Legacy of the Wizard
727 Zizou Olympia Legend of the Dark Witch
727 Bokoblin Legend of Zelda
727 Calamity Ganon Legend of Zelda
727 Deku Baba Legend of Zelda
727 Epona Legend of Zelda
727 Fay Legend of Zelda
727 Ganondorf (BOTW2) Legend of Zelda
727 Ganondorf (HW) Legend of Zelda
727 Guardian Scout Legend of Zelda
727 King Harkinian Legend of Zelda
727 Marin Legend of Zelda
727 Midna (Twili Form) Legend of Zelda
727 Moblin Legend of Zelda
727 Raju Legend of Zelda
727 Saria Legend of Zelda
727 Zelda (Twilight Princee) Legend of Zelda
727 Zora Legend of Zelda
727 Michelle Heart Legendary Wings
727 Lemmings Lemmings
727 Tsubakura Enraku Len’En Project
727 Timon and Pumba Lion King
727 Six Little Nightmares
727 Oersted Live a Live
727 Juliet Starling Lollipop Chainsaw
727 Madoka Kaname Madoka Magica
727 Iroha Tamaki Magia Record
727 Lassi Magical Starsign
727 Mokka Magical Starsign
727 Malice Malice
727 Duran Mana
727 Mappy Mappy
727 Amingo Marvel vs Capcom
727 Ruby Heart Marvel vs Capcom
727 Shuma Gorath Marvel vs Capcom
727 Ronald McDonald McDonalds
727 Bubble Man Mega Man
727 Elec Man Mega Man
727 Protoman.EXE Mega Man BN
727 Roll Caskett Mega Man Legends
727 Tron Bonne Mega Man Legends
727 Geo Stelar Mega Man Star Force
727 Axl Mega Man X
727 Omega Mega Man Zero
727 Grey Mega Man ZX
727 Eltnam Melty Blood
727 Gray Fox Metal Gear
727 Liquid Snake Metal Gear
727 Psycho Mantis Metal Gear
727 Eri Kasamoto Metal Slug
727 SV-001 Metal Slug Metal Slug
727 Adam Malkovich Metroid
727 Anthony Higgs Metroid
727 MB Metroid
727 Weavil Metroid
727 Faith Mirror’s Edge
727 Guybrush Threepwood Monkey Island
727 Rajang Monster Hunter
727 Sapphire Star Monster Hunter
727 Suezo Monster Rancher
727 Ren & Oragon Monster Strike
727 Baraka Mortal Kombat
727 Cassie Cage Mortal Kombat
727 Jade Mortal Kombat
727 Kano Mortal Kombat
727 Kitana Mortal Kombat
727 Liu Kang Mortal Kombat
727 Shang Tsung Mortal Kombat
727 Sonya Blade Mortal Kombat
727 Mr Driller Mr Driller
727 Dee Bee Kaw Mugen
727 Kisuke Muramasa
727 Musashi Musashi: Samurai Legends
727 Morija Muse Dash
727 Meiya Mitsurugi Muv-Luv
727 All Might My Hero Academia
727 Starlight Glimmer My Little Pony
727 Twilight Sparkle My Little Pony
727 Yae Mystical Ninja
727 Bravoman Namco
727 Xiaomu Namco x Capcom
727 Crow Nefarious
727 Nester Nester’s Funky Bowling
727 Nuna Never Alone
727 Evan Ni No Kuni
727 Roland Ni No Kuni
727 2B + 9S Nier
727 Emil Nier
727 Monita Nintendoland
727 Shinobu Jacobs No More Heroes
727 Ocodad Octodad
727 Cyrus Octopath
727 Therion Octopath
727 Travis Oddity
727 Luffy One Piece
727 Niko Oneshot
727 War Mage Orcs Must Die
727 Otto Matic Otto Matic
727 Driver + Car Outrun
727 Ferrari tesstarossa Outrun
727 Chef Overcooked
727 Genji Overwatch
727 Roadhog Overwatch
727 Blinky Pac-Man
727 Spooky Pac-Man
727 Pajama Sam Pajama Sam
727 Pip Paladins
727 Aeron Pandora’s Tower
727 Papa Louie Papa Louie
727 Rawk Hawk Paper Mario
727 Ann Takamaki Persona
727 HUmar Phantasy Star
727 Player (PSO2) Phantasy Star
727 Buford Phineas & Ferb
727 Gale Phoenotopia
727 Parasydre Pikmin
727 The President Pikmin
727 Lark Pilotwings
727 Pitfall Harry Pitfall
727 Aggron Pokémon
727 Alolan Raichu Pokémon
727 Ball Guy Pokémon
727 Bewear Pokémon
727 Blacephalon Pokémon
727 Braixen Pokémon
727 Darkrai Pokémon
727 Ditto Pokémon
727 Dracovish Pokémon
727 Druddigon Pokémon
727 Dusknoir Pokémon
727 Eeveeloutions Pokémon
727 Emboar Pokémon
727 Emolga Pokémon
727 Evoli Pokémon
727 Feraligatr Pokémon
727 Ferrothorn Pokémon
727 Furret Pokémon
727 Gen 3 Pokémon Trainer Pokémon
727 Gen 5 Pokémon Trainer Pokémon
727 Genesect Pokémon
727 Grovyle & Celebi Pokémon
727 Hawlucha Pokémon
727 Haxoris Pokémon
727 Infernape Pokémon
727 Joltik Pokémon
727 Kartana Pokémon
727 Lugia Pokémon
727 Luxray Pokémon
727 Machamp Pokémon
727 Magikarp Pokémon
727 Marill Pokémon
727 Marshadow Pokémon
727 Misty Pokémon
727 Morpeko Pokémon
727 Mr. Mime Pokémon
727 Mudkip Pokémon
727 N Pokémon
727 Necrozma Pokémon
727 Nidoking Pokémon
727 Orbeetle Pokémon
727 Oshawatt Pokémon
727 Piplup Pokémon
727 Plusle & Minun Pokémon
727 Poipole Pokémon
727 Pokémon Conquest Hero Pokémon
727 Reuniclus Pokémon
727 Riolu & Eevee Pokémon
727 Rowlet Pokémon
727 Runerigus Pokémon
727 Ryhorn Pokémon
727 Scyther Pokémon
727 Shuckle Pokémon
727 Silvally Pokémon
727 Solgaleo Pokémon
727 Stonjourner Pokémon
727 Swampert Pokémon
727 Sylveon Pokémon
727 Team Rocket & Meowth Pokémon
727 Thievul Pokémon
727 Togepi Pokémon
727 Tyranitar Pokémon
727 Vanillish Pokémon
727 Wes Pokémon
727 Whimsicott Pokémon
727 Pong Pong
727 Power Pro-kun Power Pro
727 Falcon Power Stone
727 Rouge Power Stone
727 Daughters Princess Maker
727 Pulse Man Pulse Man
727 Doc Louis Punch-Out
727 Putt Putt Putt Putt
727 Rulue Puyo Puyo
727 Sonia Puzzle & Dragons
727 Furil Puzzle League
727 Rabbid Luigi Rabbids
727 Rabbid Mario Rabbids
727 Rabbid Peach Rabbids
727 Operator Rainbow Six
727 George / Ralph / Lizzie / Larry Rampage
727 Rance Rance
727 Grand Minimus Rayman
727 Razorbeard Rayman
727 Reader Rabbit Reader Rabbit
727 Reggie Fils-Aime Reality
727 Alec Mason Red Faction
727 Vashyron Resonance of Fire
727 Phantom R Rhythm Thief
727 Dragaux Ring Fit Adventure
727 Loader Risk of Rain
727 Batsu Rival Schools
727 Absa Rivals of Aether
727 Eliana Rivals of Aether
727 Etalus Rivals of Aether
727 Yeetta Rivals of Aether
727 Builderman Roblox
727 Raguna Rune Factory
727 Strelok S.T.A.L.K.E.R
727 Gemini Sunrise Sakura Wars
727 Ichiro Ogami Sakura Wars
727 Haohmaru Samurai Shodown
727 Yukimura Samurai Warriors
727 Parabo And Satabo Satellaview
727 The Fool Sayonara Wild Hearts
727 Ieyasu Tokogawa Sengoku Basara
727 Homura Senran Kagura
727 Giga Mermaid Shantae
727 Nega Shantae Shantae
727 Aleph Shin Megami Tensei
727 God Shin Megami Tensei
727 SMT V Protagonist Shin Megami Tensei
727 Donbe & Hikari Shin Onigashima
727 King Knight Shovel Knight
727 Harry Mason Silent Hill
727 Shyna Silhouette Mirage
727 Isa Jo Sin & Punishment
727 Kachi Sin & Punishment
727 Cerebella Skullgirls
727 Squigly Skullgirls
727 Lob-Star Skylanders
727 Tae Kwon Crow Skylanders
727 Beatrix Lebeau Slime Rancher
727 Red the Hunter Solatorobo
727 Mecha Sonic Sonic
727 Whisper Sonic
727 Big the Cat Sonic
727 E-102 Gamma Sonic
727 Rookie Sonic
727 Tikal Sonic
727 Erazor Djinn Sonic the Hedgehog
727 Cassandra Soul Calibur
727 Mitsurugi Soul Calibur
727 Siegfried Soul Calibur
727 Kain Legacy of Kain
727 New Kid South Park
727 Spanky Spanky’s Quest
727 Rallen Spectrobes
727 Off the Hook Splatoon
727 Rick Taylor Splatterhouse
727 Sam Fisher Splinter Cell
727 Grox Spore
727 Stanley Stanley Parable
727 Katt Monroe Star Fox
727 Peppy Hare Star Fox
727 Pigma Star Fox
727 Roddick Farrence Star Ocean
727 Cal Kestis Star Wars
727 Starkiller Star Wars
727 Alto Stella Glow
727 Crystal Gems Steven Universe
727 Stick Figure Stick Fight
727 The Globglogabgalab Strawinsky and the Mysterious House
727 Dhalsim Street Fighter
727 Fei Long Street Fighter
727 Guile Street Fighter
727 Rashid Street Fighter
727 Sagat Street Fighter
727 Yun / Yang Street Fighter
727 Iris Archwell Streetpass
727 Wandering Hero Streetpass
727 Adam Streets of Rage
727 Rosie Mayfield Style Savy
727 Warper Subnautica
727 Suguri Suguri
727 Riou Suikoden
727 Tyr Mcdohl Suikoden
727 Edgar Summon Night
727 Nassau Summon Night
727 Cackletta Super Mario
727 Cappy Super Mario
727 Cow Super Mario
727 Dark Bowser Super Mario
727 Geno & Mallow Super Mario
727 Goob Super Mario
727 Lakitu Super Mario
727 Metal Mario Super Mario
727 Paratroopa Super Mario
727 Peachette Super Mario
727 Petey Piranha Super Mario
727 Popple Super Mario
727 Robotic Nightmare Super Mario
727 Shadow Queen Super Mario
727 Spike Super Mario
727 Tatanga Super Mario
727 Thwomp Super Mario
727 Virsuses Super Mario
727 Vivian Super Mario
727 Yamamura Super Mario
727 Yaridovich Super Mario
727 Cybuster Super Robot Wars
727 Kyosuke Nanbu (Alt Eisen) Super Robot Wars
727 Giga Bowser Super Smash Bros
727 Musashi Sushi Striker
727 Waffle Ryebread Tails Concerto
727 Alphen Tales
727 Asbel Lhant Tales
727 Ludger Kresnik Tales
727 Luke Fon Fabre Tales
727 Rondoline E. Effenberg Tales
727 Jude Mathis Tales
727 Ludger Will Kresnik Tales
727 Mercenaries Team Fortress
727 Heavy & Scout Duo Team Fortress
727 Scout & Spy Team Fortress 2
727 Soldier Team Fortress 2
727 TF2 Trio (Heavy, Scout and Spy – like PKMN Trainer) Team Fortress 2
727 Asuka Tekken
727 Devil Jin Tekken
727 Hwoarang Tekken
727 Kazami Yuuji The Fruit of Grisaia
727 Kagekiyo The Genji and Heike Clans
727 Akari Ichijo The Last Blade
727 Kaede The Last Blade
727 Klayman The Neverhood
727 Yennefer The Witcher
727 Tin Star Tin Star
727 Ninja Turtles TMNT
727 Eva Rosalene / Neil Watts To the Moon
727 Miraitowa and Someity Tokyo Olympics
727 Tomba Tomba
727 Mackenzie Touch Detective
727 Aya Shameimaru Touhou
727 Flandre Scarlet Touhou
727 Meiling Touhou
727 Mima Touhou
727 Sanae Touhou
727 Gilgamesh and Ki Tower of Druaga
727 Turrican Turrican
727 Load Ran Twinkle Star Sprites
727 Raccoon Ultimate Chicken Horse
727 Kawase Umihara Umihara Kawase
727 Battler Ushiromiya Umineko
727 Flowey Undertale
727 Toriel Undertale
727 Uniracer Uniracer
727 Jill Stingray VA-11 Hall-A
727 Selvaria Bles Valkyria Chronicles
727 Valkryia Chronicles rep Valkyria Chronicles
727 Valkyrie Valkyrie no Densetsu
727 Lenneth Valkyrie Valyrie Profile
727 Vector Man Vector Man
727 Bernie Sanders Vermont
727 Voodoo Vince Voodoo Vince
727 Yugo Wakfu
727 Lee Walking Dead
727 Gul’dan Warcraft
727 Illidan Warcraft
727 Orc Warcraft
727 The Lich King Warcraft
727 Space Marine Warhammer 40k
727 Tiny Wario Wario Land
727 Dr.Crygor WarioWare
727 Jimmy T WarioWare
727 Orbulon WarioWare
727 Wiimote Wii
727 Wii Balance Board Wii Fit
727 Dean Stark Wild Arms
727 Metallia Witch and the Hundrec Knight
727 Wonder Momo Wonder Momo
727 Cross Xenoblade
727 Dunban Xenoblade
727 Tora & Poppi Xenoblade
727 Zanza Xenoblade
727 T-elos Xenosaga
727 Storm X-Men
727 Wolverine X-Men
727 Komasan Yokai Watch
727 Baby Bowser Yoshi
727 Baby Mario & Baby Luigi Yoshi
727 Winda Yu-Gi-Oh
727 Yugi Yu-Gi-Oh
727 Clover Zero Escape
727 Junpei Zero Escape
727 Phi Zero Escape
727 Sigma Zero Escape
Joshua 'NantenJex' Goldie
  1. Adol getting as many votes as he did pleases me

    Jedi (@Jedisupersonic) on June 20 |
  2. Nice to see Adol doing better.

    jedisupersonic on June 21 |
  3. Mush like Toad and Captain Toad, a generic Waddle Dee and Bandana Waddle Dee have the potential to be depicted very differently from each other. They are distinct characters with distinctly different personalities and potentially different skillsets. I and other Kirby fans believe you should count Waddle Dee and Bandana Dee votes separately.

    Pandora on June 21 |
  4. It doesn’t matter what you want. Sakurai is going to do as he pleases.

    Big Boy 007 on June 21 |
  5. While I never take these fan lists seriously, no offense, I can’t help but be glad to see all of my wanted fighters aren’t that low even if a few of them aren’t so high either. I stand by them. 😉

    Greatsong on June 21 |
    • Wow, Estelle bright is so unpopular that they can’t even be bothered to get her series right.

      OperatorERROR on June 22 |
    • Vyse Should be. higher than Peashooter and Miku on that list and Agumon and Gabumon shouldn’t be after the other digimon that’s stupid.

      Jeffsys on July 4 |
  6. If the Toads are different enough to be counted differently, so should regular Waddle Dee and Bandana Dee.

    gh33 on June 21 |
  7. I desperately want Big Top from Mario Party 8

    Jacob on June 21 |
  8. I didnt even see earthworm Jim! He would get my vote

    adam on June 21 |
  9. an alarmingly high amount of Mario and Pokémon characters. unless it’s Waluigi for the Mario franchise, we dont need anymore Mario, Pokémon or Fire Emblem characters. i say focus on the other franchises already established in the game thus far (LoZ, Kirby, Sonic, Metal Gear, etc) or add new characters from franchises not yet added (Kingdom Hearts, Tales, DOOM, Halo, etc)

    Bry on June 21 |
  10. Dante is in the top 10 while Demi fiend is in 171st place but everyone forgets that Dante is one more of Demi Fiend’s demons.

  11. Quick question. Where’s Chris Redfield? I checked this list and I can’t seem to find him. And what about Jesse Faden from Control? I guess she’s not around is she?

    That’s all I want to know for now.

    Shane Aycock on June 23 |
  12. Why the hell do you guys allow votes for non-gaming characters when the actual series clearly never will?

    Terrance on June 26 |
  13. Glad to see both Nightmare and Kazuma Kiryu almost got into the TOP 50

    Joo Luca Luca on June 27 |
  14. I think yandere-chan and yandere-kun should be super smash Brothers ultimate. 💗😇🌸

    Super rosey bunny fox girl on June 30 |
  15. Ewww Sora. We don’t need Kingdom Hearts representation in the game. It’s original characters are hideous, and contrary to popular belief, they’re owned by Disney and not Square-Enix, and therefore, they should not be in Smash.

    Argue all you want about some other franchise’s characters, but seriously, anyone who likes Sora, Riku and other original characters are easily in love with them, thanks to all the dirty Kingdom Hearts art and fanfics they post online. Literally, they’re eye candy for yaoi fangirls and sexually deprived fanboys.

    I hope that none of the original characters from Kingdom Hearts (including Sora) will make it in. Seeing Sora make an appearance in Super Smash Bros. would be a nightmare for me, and if it happens, expect a ton of awful fanfics and art, which I do not want to exist.

    A lot of these character requests on this list is laughable, it’s like if the fans don’t know the requirements of how a character should be eligible for a Super Smash Bros. appearance.

    Sora is not eligible because, even if he’s a video game character, he’s still a Disney character (Disney is a non-game company. Argue all you want about how Microsoft isn’t but at least a computer company like Microsoft is closer to gaming than Disney is.) and his franchise is basically a crossover between Disney movies and Square-Enix games so it will never work out. The closest you can get to having a Kingdom Hearts-related character would be Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII and he represents his home game/franchise and not Kingdom Hearts, so the KH fans should be happy about having Cloud in Smash instead, or whatever other character they like that’s in the game. Sora would be absolutely pointless without his Disney companions and the only reason why Sora made a cameo in some games outside his series (such as Final Fantasy: Record Keeper for mobile) is because Square-Enix developed those games and he was limited time material, since he didn’t appear there for long. Just because Cloud is in Smash, does not mean that KH’s awful original characters such as Sora get to be in the game.

    Anyone who wants Sora and company to be in Smash is an idiot who has the hots for them. Not hurting anyone’s feelings. Just telling the truth… The hard truth.

    Let’s hope that, despite being high in the polls, Sora never makes it to Smash.

    On the positive side of things, I would love to see Crash and Spyro in the game in some form, and if not playable characters, I would not mind a spirit event at least.

    But what I’m really hoping for is Tails.

    Tails is my favorite Sonic character, and I like foxes. He would be the second fox in the Smash roster (after Fox McCloud) if he gets in. He would have a great moveset, also.

    The Fox That Rocks on July 1 |
  16. Okay NantenJex, what version of Unbreakable Determination did you use for Ryu Hayabusa there?? I’m not familiar with it and I absolutely have to know!

    Sir Kero on July 2 |
  17. I want to see Lloyd Irviing and Vyse Innglebard announced in Smash either as Playable fighter or Mii Costumes, this should also be a new fan rule please Nintendo.

    Jeffsys on July 4 |
  18. Goku, Peashooter, Carl Johnson, Pepsiman, Geralt, Hatsune Miku definitely Globglogabgalab are stupid
    Lara Croft doesn’t deserve to be that high and replace Jill Valentine position with Leon.
    Vyse should be just after Lloyd in Popularity and Chances.

    Jeffsys on July 4 |
  19. I want heavy from tf2

    Darien on July 8 |