Note: Do not repost the full translation. Please use the first two paragraphs, link to this translation, then credit Source Gaming and the translator, Kody “NOKOLO.”
The following is a selection from Famitsu. This translation is for educational and fan use only.
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Sakurai’s Famitsu Column #600
“1 Month Ago, 3 Weeks Later”
This column is this series’ 600th publication! My talk with Ms. Yamamoto doesn’t count since it’s a special publication. (This talk is published just before this column in this issue of Famitsu.) I want to extend my sincerest thanks to you, my readers, for your support.

A comic by Saho Yamamoto about meeting Sakurai, translated and edited by Kody “NOKOLO.”
That talk with Ms. Yamamoto was done a month ago. A manuscript of it was probably written anywhere from a month ago up to March 1st; since the conditions of the world have been changing, I haven’t had time to think about that talk.
COVID-19, the novel coronavirus infection, has been demonstrating its power.
(Sakurai lists various world events following this claim, like the people found positive with the virus as announced by WHO and the casualty rates in China and Japan.)
The gaming industry has been damaged severely by its influence. At events like PAX East on February 27th, exhibits were cancelled by various manufacturers. This also largely affected GDC, which was postponed. Many esports events also have been postponing or cancelling, or even continuing without an audience.
On the topic of game development, we’ve been recommended to work from home in an attempt to avoid crowds on the way to work. Ordinary business workers don’t work with classified material that cannot leave their businesses though; we can’t afford moving our development equipment, so we really can’t continue business from home. And, with children at home, we unfortunately need to take breaks to keep an eye on them.
My business trips have also been restricted by the influence of the novel coronavirus. Long distance trips have been especially difficult to put together. For example, my trips to Nintendo in Kyoto. Trips to other companies have been problematic, too. Planning new fighters, presenting to publishers, and having meetings have all been indefinitely postponed. Business at our office has been continuing as usual despite other businesses closing.
But, if more problems arise, I wonder if our offices might also be closed to prevent the spread of the virus. If that becomes the case, development would stop completely. New fighter announcements would be delayed and planned development would stop progressing, which would put us in a potentially difficult situation.
Not only has our development been affected, our foreign affairs like our distribution, sales, and manufacturing have been stagnating. It’s going to cost us our resources.
At home, I’ve been doing what’s recommended… And, I’ve been thinking optimistically that games are going to be selling well because of all this. However, the novel coronavirus trend is going to cast a huge shadow over the gaming industry. Delays might postpone the announcements of various software and launches. Understaffed workloads may also interfere with plans.
To keep people and our building clean, we really feel that we have to start putting the brakes on development. Please understand, this is the only way to get through this severe kind of time. Right now, things have been very restrictive, but we have to overcome it. I hope we can all agree on that.
“This column has been running for 3 years.”
…I hope we recover from this so I can read that sentence with a smile.
“Trips to other companies have been problematic, too” — more 3rd party DLC characters sort of confirmed 😀
According to my calculations based on past statistics, the 1st DLC character is finished, so we might get it soon, since the rest of the 5 will most likely be delayed for months :/
The coronavirus is tough (to say the least) on everyone. Thankfully, my family and my friends are all doing fine. Hope Sakurai and his friends and family will be fine as well.