First off, if you haven’t already, check out page 1.
After Smash 64 was released, Sakurai opened the Smash 64 website. There, he regularly updated the page with interesting tidbits about Smash 64 development, and answered fan questions. I realized that most of these fan responses have not been compiled, nor translated so I decided to start translating them for the community. I’m amazed about how much we still can learn about the series. I’ve kept the original Japanese for reference, and so readers fluent in Japanese may check my translation. Comments will be made in orange.
This page has only one short comment by Sakurai at the end. I realize that my wording on a lot of these isn’t perfect, as I was trying to rush through this page as quickly as possible. It’s not really that useful, but it’s still interesting to see what kind of stories Sakurai has gotten from the wider fan base. Page 3 has a lot more comments by Sakurai (and shorter e-mails!), so please look forward to that.
Page: 2 Translations starts below:
This time, I’m featuring “Smash in the Family”
N.T さん |
I’ve taken an interest in the game, but my kids have really taken an interest. My three year old son plays almost every day.
At first, I thought it might be a little difficult for a 3 year old…but he’s better at the game than I am. My daughter is always playing the game with her kindergarten friends. I think it would be a good idea to add characters that can be used by young girls. 私も気に入ってますが、特に子供たちが気に入っていて、 最初は3歳にはちょっとむずかしいかな?と思いましたが、 娘の幼稚園での友達はゲーム仲間ばっかりです。 |
K.K さん |
Recently, I think there are few games that are fair for young children (My children are 5 and 2 years old). I think Smash falls into that category, and my 5 year old often plays it. I also play it seriously.
最近、小さい子供(我家は5才/2才)と その中でこの「スマブラ」は5才で十分遊べます。 親も本気です。 |
N.O さん |
I can’t win against my son! I guess I should be proud!! I need to try harder…
息子には勝てない!父親の威厳がぁ~!!!ないか、もともと…。 |
M.N さん |
My two children play Nintendo 64 every day. Of course, I’m (Even though I’m turning 32 years old) also a fan of the N64. I recently bought a computer, and looked through this webpage. You are really supporting the N64, and everyone seems to be doing their best. With that, I hope you continue to make enjoyable games.
うちの二人の子どもも、毎日64でゲームやってますよ。 最近、パソコンを買ったのでホームページ覗かせてもらってます。 それでは、これからも楽しいソフトをがんがん作ってください。 |
H.S さん |
I think Smash Brothers is an amazing game.
There’s not many games that can be enjoyed by adults and children. Thanks to Smash, the family has stayed together and that is not an exaggeration . Literally: The household hasn’t collapsed. スマブラは素晴らしいゲームだと思います。 親子で楽しめるゲームってなかなかあるもんではありません。 |
K.Y さん |
My 4 year old son plays Smash Brothers every day.
One of the enjoyable parts of the game in my opinion, is that even beginners can win. With other games, my son doesn’t lose but sometimes he loses in Smash. So because of that, Smash Brothers has become really popular in my house. Anyway, Ness was a little difficult to unlock but when we finally did my son took an interest in him. Sometimes he does Ness’ pose, which makes my family burst into laughter. スマブラは4歳の息子と毎日やっています。 このソフトのおもしろさは、初心者でも勝てることだと思います。 そんなこともあって、 ちなみに、「ネス」を出すのには非常に苦労しましたが、 |
Y.N さん |
It’s been only a month since I bought Smash Brothers (sorry) Every night, my younger brother and I get antsy because we want to start playing. My shoulder will start to stiffen up, and when I finally look over at the clock I realize that 5 hours have passed. (Every night)Because of that, my right thumb swells up. With my little patience, I play Bonus Stage 1 here and there. With Ness, I’ve cleared it in 29.06 seconds. I won’t lose against the world…(I need to aim for) 19 seconds…I’m probably being stupid.I was surprised at myself for not stopping when my finger started to swell up. I enjoy winning with various settings on Team Battle (Level 9 computers). I feel like Pikachu and Link are the strongest computers. Especially when I throw Pikachu and taunt, I feel extremely proud. I guess I’m already an adult. Thank you for making such a fun game. I look forward to what your next title will be. Because of this title, I will buy anything that HAL Laboratory makes. Try your best. スマブラを買ったのは今月なのですが(すみません)、 なんだか肩がこったなあと、ふと時計を見ると5時間たっていて おかげで右手の親指がはれあがり、すこし謹慎といいつつ、 指がはれても止められないのは初めてで、 コンピューターのレベルを9にしてのチームバトルから 一番手強い気がします。 面白いゲームを本当にありがとうございます。 HAL研作品を買いつづける奴隷でいようと、 |
T.S さん |
Since I’ve started, I’ve really enjoyed Smash Brothers! I play every day with my younger brother and friends!
Extremely difficult to accurately translate this. T.S doesn’t use polite form throughout his message, and then adds “De-su” at the very end. やってみたら チョー楽しかった!! |
M.Y さん |
It’s a dream come true, the whole family comes together and plays! We only have three controllers, (Only three!) but we come together and continue to play every day. I just realized that I need to buy a controller for myself today.家族揃って夢中になって遊んでます。 3っつしかない(3っつも!!あるのに)コントローラーを 奪い合って ゲームする毎日が続いています。私もマイコントローラーを買わねばと思う今日この頃です。 |
N.M さん |
Thank you for making such an enjoyable game.
I’m a 29 year old housewife. I’m always playing with my six year old son, but my son’s kindergarten friends often come over and play 4 player battles with each other. Even my son’s kindergarten friends’ mothers play. Once I got the secret information and the hidden characters, I spent all night trying to unlock them (lol). I started to feel weak…so I had to stop. Recently, I gave a lively lecture to some elementary students in the neighborhood, giving them a walkthroughand tips. We’ve become really friendly*. My husband was amazed for a second. I would like to invite the kids over to my house and show them an interesting video, so if you could give them a present they would really be happy. Pretty please! Take care of your body, and continue making enjoyable games. I look forward to seeing games that even my son can enjoy.
楽しいゲームを作ってくれてありがとうございます。 私は29歳の主婦です。 幼稚園の友だちのお母さん達ともやっています。 段々体力が無くなってきではいますけど、 近所の小学生達とスマブラ談義に花を咲かせたり また家に集まってくる子供達にビデオを見せてあげたいと お体に気を付けてこれからも楽しいゲームソフトを作って下さい。 |
Y.Y さん |
I always play with my brothers. We often get into arguments. Um… this game is really good! It’s the best when it’s near the “Big Battle”>We get huge laughs when one of us launches a surprise attack on someone who is frantically fighting (lol), or when we play 2 humans vs 2 CPUS, and the CPU fighters (Samus and Captain Falcon) and both of them have the star rod, and are running around frantically.I really like the hammer music too. Whenever the character has the hammer and is swinging it with all their effort, I end up getting enticed by the music. Lastly, Kirby is really cute!! いつも兄弟でプレイしています。よくケンカになったりします。 えっと、凄くいいですね、このゲーム! 人が必死で戦っている時に不意打ちされたり(笑) あと、ハンマーの曲が好きです。 それと、カービィめちゃくちゃかわいいですね!! |
M.M さん |
My wife, daughter (5 years old) and myself (35 years old, male) are all Smash Brothers’ fans but my son (elemetary 1st year) is a huge fan. He really likes Ness.
On weekday afternoons, he plays with his classmates (twins) and his younger sister in 4 play battles. However, on weekends/ holidays he plays with his cousins (4th and 2 grade elementary students) in a neighboring town. It’s unfortunate but I can’t win against my son in a 1 vs 1 battle.The number of days that we are winning are slowly decreasing, even when we play 4 player battles with the family, and my wife and I gang on him, 私(35歳・男)、妻、娘(5歳)もスマブラファンですが、 平日の昼間は近所の同級生(双子)と妹の4人でプレイして 残念ながら私は1対1では息子に勝てません。 Recently, my daughter has found her true power and is becoming stronger than me. However, my son has recently given me the beautiful misunderstanding of saying “Dad is the next best after me”. Without guilt, I did an all night training session. However, even though it’s not batting practice in baseball, I realized today that “There is no living opponent anymore, only machines”. PS. My kids say that when Captain Falcon does his kick, he’s saying “Falcan Kick”. In the manual it says “Falcon” but my ears only hear “Falcan”. I’ve been studying English since I was three years old, so I figured I would complain. I can’t do this passage justice. This guy is amazing. 最近は娘まで実力をつけてきて私よりも強くなってきている ただし、息子は「お父さんは僕の次にウマイ」と しかし、野球のバッティング練習じゃないけど、 PS 子ども達はファルコンキックのことを「ファルカンキック」 |
M.T さん |
Put simply, since my 8 year old son was 4 years old and played “Kirby’s Dreamland” there hasn’t been a game that he’s been really passionate about.
Since the game has been on sale, it has been really exciting. More than Mario Kart. Even with 7 or 10 people, it’s really exciting. ただ今、8才の息子とその仲間達が4才の時の 発売以来ずっと盛り上がりっぱなしです。 Depending on that region, the kids can play games that they think and decide on the rules freely together. “Children who play games are bad at personal relations” has been a viewpoint in education, but with Smash 64, that is slowly becoming a thing of the past. このゲームは唯一、コオリオニやメチャブッケなど 「ゲームをやっている子供は対人関係を持つのがヘタ」 When he was 4 years old, he played Donkey Kong Country which made him really like single player action games. But that game had only one player play at the time. Smash 64 is without that tag team system, but everyone can become really excited at the same time. There hasn’t been a game like that before. While the kids play, we naturally get very noisy. When you make the next Nintendo system, please make it so up to 10 people can play!! From a mom who let’s their kid play this special game without restriction. 4才の時からドンキーコングにはまっていたウチの子供は、 でも、やはりそれは一人でしかできなかったからそうしていただけで 子供の本能はみんなでわいわいげらげら大騒ぎしながら遊ぶことです。 それと新しいニンテンドーがでるまでに、 ちまたでは珍しいゲーム時間無制限を許している母 |
E.N さん |
I’m a housewife in her 30s (^^;) Even though I practice a lot (In the afternoon), I just can’t win against my children! I won’t forgive them! (When I thought they made a mistake by choosing Link, I still lost!)It’s difficult to have conversations with my kids, but I’ve made great use of this website (^^)However, even though I know it in my head and I tell my body to do it, I can’t move (correctly). It’s sad (;_;) Please! Make a training video! Is that too much to ask? If you make one, I’d bring it to my kids and boast about it to my “Smash Friends”. (Exclamation) Please! I beg you. m(__)m 30代主婦です(^^;) 私の方が(昼間)絶対沢山練習してるのに、 こどもたちと違って情報交換の場が少ない主婦には しかし、頭でわかっていても、からだが思うように ぜひ!!ビデオでイメージトレーニングを・・・と あたったら、こどもたちがつれてくる「スマブラフレンド」にも |
I.K さん |
My son, Fumiya (Elementary 3rd grade) has wanted Smash Brothers since it went on sale but I promised him if he studied hard I would buy it for him. He recently started studying hard at home, so as a reward, I bought it for him on Children’s Day. Now, my house has become a gathering spot for the children in the neighborhood.
I also like a challenging games, so now that I know advance techniques I can be on par with my son. 私もゲームが好きなので挑戦してみたところ、 When I unlocked Captain Falcon, and when I cleared Bonus Stage 1 with 8 people to unlock Luigi I was really moved. I left unlocking Ness to my son. It would be really mean to take away the joy of unlocking everything from him. I really like how this game clearly shows unlocked characters. Everyone can feel accomplished when they see that. ファルコンに勝ったときと、ボーナス1、8人クリアして 今回のソフトのように目標達成後の新キャラ登場は、 I eagerly anticipate games with a ton of content like this one. If you could send a video with my son’s name on it I would be very happy. The neighbor kids would be surprised too. Lastly, if you know please teach me. In Golden Eye how do you get from Stage 18 to Stage 19? When I tried, I only got the helicopter ending ride. Since the game is old, I can’t find a guide book. Please help me. こういうバリエーション豊富なゲームを もし、ビテオをおくっていただけるのであれば、 あと、もしご存知でしたら教えてほしいのですが、 |
よしだ。 さん |
In my family. my two younger brothers, my mom and I play Smash Brothers. I play Link, my younger brother plays Smash, my other brother plays Ness and my mom plays as Pikachu.
It’s always very exciting, it’s a little scary (?) but we’ve come together as a family. I think this game is amazing, and the balance is really good. You don’t need to just rely on technique but items can suddenly appear, so even when someone loses it’s still really enjoyable. I look forward to the sequel. The development team must have go through a lot of issues, but please try your best. I’m supporting you! 我が家では、わたしと弟二人と母でやっています。 いつもすごい盛り上がりで、 このゲームについてすごいと思ったことは テクニックが余りなくてもアイテムで逆転できるし、 続編には期待しています。 |
How do you like it?
I sympathize with a lot of the people.いかがでしたか?
It can be regrettable when loosing against your child, parent or sibling.
There’s a generational gap, and it’s common to have a huge gap between skill.
When that happens, make good use of the various options such as handicap or team battle, and enjoy the game together.
Moreover, I believe that enjoying the experience over the final results is important.
I made Smash Brothers with that point in mind.
Lastly, in Goldeneye let’s try clearing the game on normal or hard. (I.K)
- Smash Ultimate Development Timeline - May 16, 2020
- Straight from the Source: Koji Igarashi on Castlevania in Smash, Bloodstained - October 16, 2018
- Sakurai Discusses Isabelle, Echoes, and Newcomers - September 26, 2018
[…] Page 2: Smash In the Family Page 1: Hidden Menu, Salt Beings […]