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Help Source Gaming Cover E3!

It’s official!! Source Gaming will be at E3 2016 this June. E3 (the Electronic Entertainment Expo) is the largest video game trade show in the US, and we’ll be bringing you all the information straight from the source. Spazzy and Smashchu will be there to cover all the exciting new games and products from Nintendo as well as the other major publishers. Rumors of the NX and a new Super Smash Bros. title are buzzing, so if these rumors come true, you  can be sure that Source Gaming will have the scoop.

Help Fund Source Gaming @ E3

Its amazing, even unreal, that we’ll be able to cover E3 and provide you with the scope on upcoming game. That said, we still need your help in a big way. Source Gaming doesn’t run ads, so, outside of Patreon, we fund the site entirely ourselves. Without funding, Spazzy and Smashchu would have to pay for the event entirely out of pocket, and with flight, lodging and a myriad of other expenses, it can get quite expensive. We are asking for $1,200 which will help cover flights, lodging, transportation and equipment. Even with this money, we’ll still foot the bill for a large portion of the cost. Your assistance will help us provide amazing coverage tailored to you, our fans. In fact, if you donate you will get a say in what games we report on and will get the information straight from the source (see below for more details). Any help is extremely appreciated.

Please check out our GoFundMe campaign.

E3 Coverage

Of course, we will have plenty of content for the Source Gaming enthusiasts during the event. Starting Sunday, June 12, we’ll discuss our predictions of what will be shown off at E3. Then, come Tuesday, we’ll discuss Nintendo’s Press Conference/Direct. The show floor opens noon on Tuesday, June 14, so we’ll be covering the games shown until the doors close on Thursday, June 16. We’ll be giving our impressions of the games shown after the show floor closes too.

Of course, we can’t forget about our awesome fans, so you all will be involved in E3 as well! E3 has the largest publishers and a multitude of new titles, so we can’t get every possible detail. However, if you support out Patreon or donate to the GoFundMe campaign, you can suggest which games you want us to report on. Additionally, we’ll be answering questions provided by our fans on Friday, June 17, so send us questions when the show starts. Of course, Patreon and GoFundMe supporters will be given first dibs.

We’re all excited to be bringing you the latest and greatest news on the video game industry. Stay connected to Source Gaming as we continue to bring you Super Smash Bros and Nintendo content. Please stay connected to Source Gaming by following us on twitter at @AllSourceGaming. You can also follow Spazzy at @8bit_Spazzy and Smashchu at @Spoogymonkey.

  1. Yeah… I don’t have money to give. Guess I will just stick to watching the info from Nintendo directly or getting my info from not-as-reliable sources… (Walks away sad)

    DekZek on April 16 |
    • Just because you don’t have money doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy our coverage when we’re there… it’s a big expense so we appreciate any and all help, but we more than understand the fact that a lot our fans just aren’t able to give.

      David "Spazzy" Krane on April 16 |
  2. Hope you guys have fun with that : ) The costs are a pretty big turn off, huh? If I had something to give, I’d have gladly given it to help you guys out…

    On a tangential note, that is an awesome logo for today’s post!

    xkan on April 16 |
  3. Honestly, if every person on /r/smashbros gave just a penny, you guys would have $20,000. This community may not be rich, but we are many.

    Jake Tornabene on April 21 |
    • I meant to say $2000, my bad. Still more than you are asking, and still secures my point.

      Jake Tornabene on April 21 |